Been a member since 2004, are back again!

Hi Guys and Girls

Having owned several +2’s over the years, but currently +2less I am thinking of coming back to the fold. Prices have gone up a lot though, so my budget of £10k may be insufficient to let me back in. All my +2’s have been everyday all year round drivers, so I think this time I will try to find a Zetec car, again if possible for my budget.

Wish me luck!

All the best


Welcome back Berni !

Hello Richard

Thank you! Just need to find the car now!

All the best


Welcome Berni!

In times gone by, some Zetec cars sold quite cheaply but there seems to be a market now that recognises how expensive a good conversion is. Nowadays, a good paint job is likely to cost most of your budget.
Good luck


Hi Mike

Probably true. But I am after a car that very probably will need a respray. Actually these days with modern primers and paints the price is probably £4-6k.

Edit: I hear what you are saying about the Zetec cars, but the issue is that this market is driven by money looking for a return, so it is the “investment” cars that the market really wants, and everything else is being dragged up by that. But really its high quality original cars the market wants. Its not looking for the best to drive. Thats what I want though!

All the best


Hello again

Well the eagle has landed! It should be fun getting things together. A fair bit of work to do, which I shall document when the project starts.

Great to be back into Lotus ownership even though it may be a while before I actually get to drive the car!

Ever onwards and upwards…


Fantastic, you’re on the way!

Hi Berni,

Glad you’ve finally got your +2! Looks great, enjoy getting it to how you want it then enjoy it even more :slight_smile:


Hi Matt

Thank you. A few challenges ahead, but thats half the fun.

All the best
