Does anyone know the brand make and numbers of the bearings used in the differential, output shaft and wheel spindle?
Many years ago, I replaced the strut bearing and I got the replacement from my local bearing supplier. They took the spec from the data stamped on the existing breaing casing. I think it was a Timken bearing.
If you can read the number on your old bearing, give it a go.
Dont know about the diff bearings but the ones for the bearing housing are
Type 6206 either 2Z fitted with metal dust sheilds or 2RZ same but also have low friction outer seals. (These are the better ones)
Alternatively they might be 6206 2RS1 (different manufacturers).
One of the bearings has a longer inner bearing surface so might be worth taking them to your bearing supplier so they can measure up and advise.
Only go for the big names in bearings Timkin, SKF, NSK.
They should not cost you more than a tenner each
Clive is right with the housing bearings, although I had to get the bearings with the longer inner bearing from one of the usual suspects. I tried all my local bearing suppliers and none of them could do the 6206 with the longer inner.