Well if we are going to knock the +2 (which is obviously far more superior) we will have to knock the
[size=200]BABY ELAN , yes the BABY BABY BABY ELAN[/size] There I said it!

It’s true…the baby Elan looks like a hairdresser’s car!

And check the threads on Zetec height, they are not all like 4x4s.

Here we go…

It would appear that some listers are harbouring pent up frustrations here and are obviously trying to compensate for their deep sence of inadequacy by acquiring a large and rather ugly underpowered car, (PEOPLE…bigger is NOT always better) they then fit a modern engine, suspension and transmission pretending that it is a “classic” …sorry but you are only fooling yourselves! :laughing: :laughing:
Well Z owners the only way you will rid yourself of these deeprooted feelings of frustration is to eliminate the cause of these character flaws and buy a genuine original Elan, admit it, subconsciously that’s what you REALLY WANT! :wink:

WTF’s going on here :imp:

Well its not BBBOOORRRIIINNNG is it :laughing: :laughing:

Well I hope the wounds don’t start going too deep :unamused:

Nah! its just a wind up and it occured to me Ed must be loving it after his 26R threads :laughing:

Yes a memory & skin as thick as an Elephant :laughing:

welll the memory is a bit failing --[why am I here]??? [who was that masked man ]???–BUT PLAY NICE CHILDERN -ed

What he said! :smiling_imp:

perhaps then buy a Miata --no leaks --reliability and no character :stuck_out_tongue: —ed

Ed - You are just not looking in the right places. Only yesterday I put up some pretty gripping stuff about the history of Velcro. And there is a new post in the Racing section that describes a 26R type chassis as being black. That alone should have brought the airport crash trucks out to foam the runway.

(audible groan!)

Awesome stuff this!
Makes quick dash to the Bathroom :blush:

:confused: no problem my chassis was and is black over a reddish under coat --weren’t they all ----[enthralled with the velcro story I could hardly tear myself away ]–right Blue bottle? —rum tum tiddle I Po --ed

Vel, hvis du virkelig er lei, kan du pr?ve ? lese dette mye - ut Beregnigner!

Jeg fikk ideen om du legger ut en meningsl?se meldingen fra rask vidd og repartee nytes av v?re skandinaviske medlemmer - de som har v?rt waxing lyrisk om ? kj?pe en 2 i UK og kj?rer den hjem.

S? nok poring olje p? vanskelige trunnions - ?, burde v?rt fett - eller b?r det?


“He’s fallen in the Water”

ere major Blood-lock --that other fellow must be a Viking ----yessss Bluebottle and well get his horns for the Bentley —ed ‘be silent when you speak to me !!!’

and the google translation reads:

Well, if you really are bored, try to read this far - out load!

I got the idea of posting a pointless message from the quick wit and repartee enjoyed by our Scandinavian members - those who have been waxing lyrical about to buy a 2 in the UK and running the home.

So NOK poring oil on trunnions hard - Oh, should have been fat - or should it?

oh Min -modern Min —you’ve been making those Swedish meat balls again —you cooking modern woman oooohhh—ed