I just ordered a reproduction battery box/cover for my S2 from JAE and asked Jeff about its dimensions. After getting them I wanted to know what size battery I should get. The counter guy at Sears wasn’t much help.
In the end I learned that the mysterious “Group Sizes” are determined by the BCI - Battery Council International. You can go to their web site www.batterycouncil.org or go to the GGLC website http://www.gglotus.org/ggtech/battery-bci/…ry-bci-size.htm and find a table with the BCI Group numbers and battery dimensions. It will save you a ton of explaining when you go into get a battery and you tell the counter guy, “Lotus” and he gives you a blank stare.
No experience here. I do plan on installing one of that type (Odyssey, Genesis, etc) when my present lawn mower one dies. And it should be due to fail soon, it is over two years old now.
I have an alternator from Dave Bean and a starter from JAE, and have had no problems with starting. Therfore I can give no advice, but I’m sure others can!
I’m working on 5 1/2 years on a GT (garden tractor) battery, you may have a couple years left before you need to change. It was the only economical concession I made when I rebuilt the elan, works out to less than $4 a year. The Elan has a Bean altenator kit and Tilton Superstarter
I found this link on D sports racer forum, why stop with the battery - John Deere lawn tractor altenator.