Baby elans??

Hi,probably a stupid question,but what is meant by the term “baby elan”?? are people talking about a sprint?? thank in anticipation of an answer! peter.

My interpretation of the term is any of the smaller two seat Elans, series one through four. Not the Plus Two and not the “Isuzu” Elan produced around 1990.

64 S1’s iterpretation is correct BUT I refuse to call an Elan “a b–y Elan” ! :angry:
to my way of thinking there is an Elan and there is an Elan Plus Two!
Thats the way they were made and named and if it was good enough for Colin it’s good enough for me! :slight_smile:
ps: new Elans are Elan M100’s
pps: actually it’s not that serious but lets be PC correct. :wink:

Totally with Brian on this, although I have been known to refer to it as a +0 on occasion!

'72 Sprint +0

I prefer the term REAL Elan :wink:

O.k.,thanks guys-just wanted to make sure!It obviously makes things easier to know which model i’m talking about.Thanks for the clarification!

Doesn’t it seem logical that since the S1-4 is older than its Plus 2 sibling, the Plus 2 should really be considered the “baby”?

Hi Jon,

Doesn’t it seem logical that since the S1-4 is older than its Plus 2 sibling, the Plus 2 should really be considered the “baby”?

True the S1 - S3 elans predate the Plus Two which appeared in 1967 but the S4 appeared in 1968.

Even so that is a new and interesting way of looking at it.

Pardon the pedantry,


Hi Si,

Thank you; I should get my facts straight. That does blur the concept somewhat.


I learnt never to refer to the Elan as a ‘baby’ Elan when Graham Arnold was around… It’s an Elan pure an simple (at least that’s what I was told…)

Yes, that’s quite right. In fact I read that Chapman wanted the bigger car to be known simply as the ‘+2’, denoting the ultimate in lightweight and efficiency - funny that by the end of its run it had become the Plus Two S130/5.
