baby elan - throttle linkages

Has anyone experience of, or used, the twin cable Weber DCOE throttle linkage system? if so which type? (top or bottom mounting) - are there any clearance problems (bonnet or dizzy repectively)

Hi Sebring,

I fitted a single cable throttle linkage a few months ago. I installed it above the carburettors.

I had to remove several millimetres of the transverse web that links the intake for cylinders two and three in order to provide clearance for the throttle synchronising adjustment. You can see this in the photo.

I have a bulge in my bonnet right over the new linkage, so I do not know if a flat bonnet would have clearance problems.


John Larkin.

I bought the bottom fitting set up from Weber & decided against using it on my S4 Zetec.
Far too fussy & difficult to get at. Maybe someone else can confirm but I don’t think there is enough under bonnet space for the top mounting linkage.
There’s lots of things going on with a Twink under the carbs; distributor, starter motor, fuel pump, master cylinders etc.
I wouldn’t want anything else down in that limited space
I eventually fitted the TTR linkage, very robust & a much simpler concept.
The supplied throttle cables had however too much friction causing a heavy throttle & kangaroo starts etc.
Good nylon lined bike cable solved the problem.
Maybe TTR have adopted these in the mean time.


Hi John,

A few millimetres seem to be all that’s needed, I removed the complete web eight years ago, no problems yet !

I see you have the Weber linkage reversed, and on the front carb, where there is much less underbonnet clearance. Any reason you did it this way ?

There’s plenty of room under the Plus Two bulge bonnet.


Doh ! Left out the photo ! :blush:

An alternative solution is the low clearance linkage sold by RD Enterprises. The cable still lies across the valve cover, but the linkage is designed so that the cable does not bind. I don’t have photo, unfortunately. the trturn spring is strong, too - no helper spring needed.

here is a photo of the set up mentioned above


I’ll sell you my RD low profile linkage. Never used it. New last summer. Half price…
PM Mike

What, pray tell, is the pipe thingy on the bulkhead next to the carbs in your picture?

it’s the fill tube for this.

Thanks. Nice installation.

thanks for the info guys - the RD website gives clearance dimensions for the Weber linkage - so will make a template to check out if it will fit - nice dry sump tank installation photos - v. neat

mct340, pm sent…

Greg Z