Hello Iain - good to see you back. If you were 6’ 6’’ you might have a struggle, otherwise, no problem (the seat has two ‘clamping’ positions - one for dwarves/normal people, the other for normal people/beanpoles and, of course, the seat moves backwards and forwards in either ‘clamped’ setting) As far as headroom’s concerned, well, it’s about 93m miles to the sun.
PS - Do us all a favour and never again refer to it as a ‘b—’ Elan - there’s nothing at all babyish about it.
see which of the 2 has both cars in…or at least the widest selection
if its about the same Id go with PM as you’ll probably end up having a brew and a good chat
I am 6’5" (6’6" when we got the car) and have been driving my S2 for almost 42 years now. “Comfortable” is a subjective term, but I don’t hit my head on the soft top and leg room is adequate. As I get creakier, entry and exit with the top up is more of a challenge but not enough to prevent me from enjoying the car.
Iain, I’m 6’4" and a bit and fit well into my S3 Coupe and S4 dhc…so the choice is yours! The only issue I have is with feet…the size 12s occupy a lot of room, and the pedals are fairly close together…so slim shoes are required…you can’t drive Elans in wellys!
Paul Matty has an excellent reputation for valuing his cars realistically, and standing by them if they go wrong. You will get what you pay for of course. I bought a project car from him a few months ago, and I found him to be very straightforward and still very enthusiastic, which is amazing considering he’s been in the old Lotus game for nearly 35 years.
Clearly you will decide that nothing other than a Sprint will do for you!
Of the two dealers you mention, my advice would be head north, not south east. The other person close to you is Miles Wilkins at Fiberglass Services; you would get good advice from him and, if your lucky, a cuppa too.
Width of the cockpit is another issue. I can’t seat myself in an Elan without the top of the door pressing into my upper arm a bit. The +2 is much more comfortable in this regard. The Elan and +2 really have different personalities. The +2 weighs about 1.4 times as much as an Elan so it is much less sporting. When Don Tingle was still a major parts supplier in the US he refered to my +2 as the “boulevard cruiser”.
Galvanised chassis, recent paint, warm motor, full history, TTR shafts, regular use and it’s the right colour and a good price! And the Coupes look soooo good.
Despite it being nearby (me), it’s not mine and I don’t know the owner!!
Actually early in its life the larger car was called an “Elan Plus 2” but later on it changed to just “Plus 2S” “Plus 2S 130” “Plus 2S 130/5” in its various versions.
Have a look at the various brochures and other Lotus publications and you see this.
So I refer to the “Plus 2” and the “Elan” as the 2 different cars