Auto Electrican - Herts & Beds Area

Hi All,
Further to my experiences in rewiring a lotus elan which at the stage where I am n-nn-nervous of even powering up the circuits - even though all wires have been checked and double checked.

Does any one know of a good auto electrican who knows plastic cars and electrics and able to assist.

I live in Bedfordshire- any contacts appreciated.

I am just keen to sign off the wiring - so that I can move to the next fun stage - fitting out the car and running it after 33 years of being laid up in bits.

Thanks in advance for help/contacts.


Have an extinguisher handy (not the dry chemical type) I use haylon. The dry chemical really makes a mess and is corrosive. get Tracy Martins book How to diagnose and repair automobile electrical systems. It will tell you all you need to know in a easy manner ( $16) I cannot say enough good things about it.

Watch out with the Halon type… Halon has a tendency to be pretty bad for you when you inhale it.
Even if something goes wrong I guess the fuses would blow before you get a fire startde, or am I thinking in a very awkward way now?
I’d keep a bucket of sand nearby. Effectively kills the fire and doesn’t mess up you or any plastics nearby. Also it has the advantage of being easy to clean with a vacuum cleaner or a hose. No risk of getting a shortcircuit either.


Halon works by removing all oxygen. Leaves no residue which is why they use it on computers.

Wich is also why you should be careful… Removing oxygen is not a very nice thing if you are intending to breathe around the car…