any help with an engine number?

Hello Everyone,
Wondered if anyone could shed light on an engine number. I have a Lotus Elan Sprint Coupe (vin number 7112290068J ) and I’ve figured out this elan rolled of the line on 12/29/71 but I also have an engine number on the build plate that says T25465
I verified thats whats on the side of the engine block but I wonder…is this just a sequential number of engines built or do these numbers and letter provide additional information?
Thanks as always

Hi David
The T designation on the engine says its a Federal Big Valve Stromberg from a plus 2 with standard compression (9.5 to 1) with C camshafts (s/e) with the big intake valve and red cam cover. all of this is from Miles Wilkins book on “Lotus Twin-Cam Engine”

Gary E. Anderson

Hi Gary,
Thanks for the info…I dont have Miles Wilkins book…
so you think its a plus2 engine?..
did Lotus use this engine in both the sprint and plus2 or do you think it was swapped in at some time?..
…it is a dual stromberg carb set-up with a black big valve cover and the build plate inside the engine bay has this number stamped on it…anyhow it runs sweet as a whistle ,so it is what it is…
thanks, David

Hi David
I was reading the wrong line in the book, the “T” designation is Elan late 1970 on. The rest was correct, Sorry for the confusion The “U” designation is the same but for the Plus2



The 29 in your unit number refers to the Batch Number (1970 and 1971 cars only), not the date of production. Only the first four letters are relevant to the date. And I’ll bet Lotus didn’t work between Xmas and New Year…

Your engine number appears to be genuine, as fitted on the production line. Engine number 25000 was presented to Walter Hayes of Ford in October 1971 at the London Motor Show. I am aware that engine number 25424 was installed into a November 1971 Sprint, so that also seems to verify yours as original.

Of course, engines were aslo being fitted into Europas, Plus 2s and Sevens at the time, so there was no intentional sequential engine numbering to Sprints.


gary and trw,
thanks for the update…
thats why this site is so great…I appreciate that everyone is so helpful and informative…kinda refreshing in this day and age…anyhow, looked at the elan this week-end and cant wait to get it back on the road soon…right now its 7 degrees outside and shes just gonna have to sleep a little while longer…
thanks ,David