Another story!

As if the trouble with my engine was not enough ( still not resolved) I thought I might relate another story.
The car nearly caught fire, it turned out to be a bare terminal on the ignition switch touching the speedo. ( The thought went through my mind " let it burn" ) This resulted in the speedo cable failing two weeks later. New cable ordered and delivered from Chrisneils. Jack the car up and proceed to fit. After fitting it to the speedo ( disconnected the trip drive by mistake, 1/2 hour to reconnect) it doesn’t fit in the right angle drive - bugger. After buggering about for four hours and discovering that it doesn’t fit in the drive from the car I am breaking either, I give up and call suppliers. After making it clear that I will not be paying anymore money and promising to send back the faulty item, they agree to send a new cable. New cable arrives, proceed to fit, guess what? Doesn’t fit either! Two hours later. Old cable retieved from dustbin fits both drives. Phone supplier, they have no rightangle drives to try their cables in but they withdraw their cables from sale and get Paul Matty to send a cable next day. Oh joy! This one fits. ( Although a foot shorter, rerouted )Chrisneils kindly offered to send me the new engine mounting I then ordered, FOC, when it finally gets here I will be able to see if the speedo cable works!
Meanwhile, the sun shines and every classic car is on the road while I drive around in my diesel citroen AX.

Just think of the fuel you are saving Chris!! Also if the cars in bits, think of the beer you can consume as you beaver away on it!!! :smiley:

How much skin did you lose? If its less than a couple of square inches, then you aren’t trying!!


Lots of fuel, lots of skin and lots of Old Rosey!