Another new member!

Hi All,

I’m another member who is not an Elan owner (though I really wish I had one but my wife would probably shoot me and my Europa really needs my attention). I’ve seen enough references to some of the similarities Elans and Europas have that I figured I’d finally join.

I won’t go too far discussing my Europa, this being an Elan forum and all. I am the original owner. Over the years I’ve done a body off resto-mod which included a BDA engine built by Dave Bean (rip). It’s been on the road for twenty years since I “finished” my resto-mod but the fact is that it will never be finished - there will always be something on it I want to add, change, improve, or need to fix - which makes it a nice retirement hobby. I’m sure that concept is well known by many here!

I just wanted to say, “Hi!” I’ll be glad to add to the discussion when I feel I have something to contribute but I expect that to be rare so I’ll probably be lurking here most of the time.

Thanks for putting up with this interloper!

Welcome BDA! This is a very helpful group… Just as I’ve found interloping over on your Europa site!

Hi Henry,

Thanks for the welcome. I’m glad we Europans were able to help an Elanian from time to time! I’m sure you all will return the favor!

4 post car hoist?


Welcome here !

Love to hear more about the BDA installation !


Thanks h20hamelan, Mazzini, and Foxie for your welcome!

h20hamelan, I wish I did have a 4 or a 2 post lift!!! If my garage would take it, I’d probably have one but unfortunately, the ceiling is too low. :frowning:

Foxie, a PM will be coming your way shortly but for now, I’ll just say that I had Dave build and dyno (177bhp @ 7500 rpm) my BDA. It is equipped with a dry sump which has its challenges.

Welcome! Where in NC are you?

I’m in Raleigh. I assume you’re in NC too. Where are you?

I’m in the Atlanta area but my road-warrior job takes me through NC a lot, although only occasionally near Raleigh.

Next time you do get to these parts and will have some time, I’d love if we could get together!

Unfortunately, being retired and not traveling much, I don’t get down to Atlanta very often, but I do occasionally take in a race at Road Atlanta. I’ll be sure to drop you a line if I do.

I’m not terribly far from Road Atlanta.

Even better! You may be hearing from me!