I had a speedo failure the other day. When I investigated I found that the angled speedo takeoff on the gearbox( +2 four speed) had lost some parts. I can see into it and it doesn’t seem to have the shaft or end cap.
I am having trouble locating a new one. Does anyone have any ideas or a used one for sale?
paull matty has them cost about 50 ponds sterling.kind regards mike
Unfortunately they dont and say that they are almost unavailable. It seems that the plastic part is unavailable so I am still looking for a secondhand part. Unless someone knows different?
I had thought Matty’s had been instumental in getting them back into limited production. Must be mistaken.
Try Sue Miller or Miles Wilkins and if you have no joy then they occasionally pop up on Ebay
Having been told by Paul Matty that they are like rocking horse s**t I had almost given up. Today I spoke to Don at Chrisneils and he tells me that they always have them in stock at about ?50. I have ordered one so hopefully panic over.
Part arrived today, fitted it and its working.
I can’t think why paul matty told me they were unobtainable but alls well that ends well.
I was quoted $250 USD from Dave Bean a few months ago. Note that 50 pounds from Christopher Niel is a lot cheaper than Dave Bean’s price even with shipping!
50 quid is an absolute steal today if they are the pukka item and not a “hand bashed garden shed CN special” of years gone by - right angle drives in the mid 80’s were around 25 quid exchange from Chris Neils.
There is one on e-bay now.
I don’t know where Chrisneils get them, no doubt Don would tell you, but the item I purchased looked the part and certainly works sofar!
Took the elan out today after being away for a week and the speedo works up to 120mph!