Strange title, eh? Well have a look at this machine and tell me what you think.
Looks like a S2 VIN plate (26/5491) with a S3 Bodyshell, an S4 engine and radiator…and maybe a steering wheel from an early Sprint. Ok I made the last one up, but there is a lot of Elan history in one car here!
Given that it would appear the car was with the dealers for two years, I wonder if the dealer upgraded the S2 to S3 spec? Would have costed a fair bit doing that, mind you. Might have made it worth his while if he could sell it ‘as new’, ‘demonstrator’ or whatever.
I probably shouldn’t admit this … but I rather like it!
And it seems like pretty good value as well at that price regardless of he history/authenticity. When I was looking I saw some real wrecks being sold for far more money than that.
Whichever way you look at it, it’s cheap way into Elan-dom for 6.6 grand. provided it’s does not require major surgery and you’re not trying to go ‘concours’ with it.
Looks pretty good but having the number plate up on the nose of the car really bothers me.
Since we have gotten into a history discussion here, I have a question. I have tried to contact Lotus via fax for a history of my 65 S2 #26-4221 to no avail. Does anyone have a postal address or preferably email address to contact for such information?