A Alternator conversion has been installed by my shop during the engine fire related restauration. All brackets, alternator and loom have been bought from Matty. After the first 300 miles or so, I am now tidying all thr things the shop has not adressed: It seems that the belt running the alternator is not in line with the pulley and water pump, as the alternator pulley sits closer to the radiator. I disassembled all brackets and the alternator and have been able to adjust the setup better, but it is still out of line. What could be the cause for this and which brackets are you using for your LHD alternator conversions?
Hi Phil. I’m not sure of the LHD issues,but, there are a lot of bracket and pulley arrangements available for different Fords. I don’t think your problem is unique! I think Burton actually sell a bracket with elongated holes for fine adjustment. I just took a file to mine!! Lyn…
The belt must not be all that off or it would not have covered several hundred miles : is it possible that the pulley on the alternator is not seated properly ?
what kind of alternator are you using? it seems smaller than the one referred to (a Lucas ACR17 ? that is what I have on my S4, and the pulley fan is very close to the fiberglass)
Its the Nipon Denso 40 or 45 amp unit. It is small and very light-works perfectly and I drive with headlights on all the time. I think I may have put a washer between the alternator and the dynamo bracket to put it perfectly in line but over 10,000 miles I don’t think I have even adjusted the belt!
It actually has two pieces of 1/8th metal strap at the front not one of course. It might have taken thirty minutes to make the installation.
I have the same LHD installation as you, also bought from P Matty. it is aligned, there is adjustment with washers but it is aligned. I installed the alternator 2 years ago.
some photos if it can help you.
Thank you Christophe,
it seems that the alternator is different from yours. It is disappointing that parts are sold, that do not fit. Have you installed the additional strap on the front cover, that was specified from Lotus back in the day? I need to build one from scratch.
Hello Philipp
No additional part. Are you talking about part 050E 6004? (I don’t remember where I got this diagram). Maybe Lotus cortina part list?
I adjusted with thick washers that’s all.
A friend on a +2 mounted it with this part, I don’t know where it came from ?
this is the bracket. Its function is to spread the load of the tensioner ˋeye‘, which makes sense. I will build a simple bracket, but I think it is not needed as long you do not tension the alternator a lot, which kills the waterpump anyway. Where are you in France?
I was also tired of the bodged brackets with stacks of washers supplied with the Gustafson alternator conversion, so designed brackets to copy the original lotus design with a reinforcement bracket for the front cover.
AlternatorBracket_OEStyle.pdf (68.1 KB)
FrontCover_Reinforcement_Bracket.pdf (43.6 KB)