I am looking for an alternative steering wheel to my plus2, as I believe the original wheel is to weak and the rim to thin. Were there any optional steering wheels offered when the car was new in 1974? What dimension?
Thanks in advance
I am looking for an alternative steering wheel to my plus2, as I believe the original wheel is to weak and the rim to thin. Were there any optional steering wheels offered when the car was new in 1974? What dimension?
Thanks in advance
Hi Ulf,
My favorite is from Moto Lita:
moto-lita.co.uk/our-products … 21&WH_ID=5
I have a non-dished verion (bought on eBay…for ?21 )
The diameter is 13 inches, which I think is 1 inch is less than the original ‘Chapman’ wheels, but a nice comprimise between usability and getting in/out of the car.
Best of luck,
Greetings Ulf, I’ve found Triumph Spitfire wheels to be period correct and sturdy. There are many styles to choose from, and the Lotus horn button snaps right in. They bolt onto the column with no modifications. Good Luck, Eric
Hi Ulf.,
I have a Mountney wheel (13 inch I think) that was on my '72 +2 S130 when I got it and a Triumph Spitfire wheel if you are interested.
Happy to pass on either if you like, to try to defray some of the cost of new radiator just fitted to try to cure overheating!
Just let me know, I am sure we can come to some arrangement.
Personally I prefer the original steering wheel. For me it suits the car and the delicate control ‘feel’ that it has through all the controls.
I have a Mota-Lita on my S2 which is a period look wheel.
My friend tried one on his Plus 2 and went back to the original wheel because he said the smaller wheel changed the feel of the car too much (as Roy found).
Lotus can be driven with the fingertips so you don’t really need a sturdy wheel.