Just purchased a set of 5.5J !3in alloys - What Size tyre would you recommend?
Personally I’d stick to as narrow as you can, ie no more than 165/80.13 on a 51/2" . Anything wider and lower profile, and you start to lose the dynamism of the car. Lots won’t agree with me, but I’ve bought Elans before that have had too wide a tyre, & changed them for 155’s and even 145’s and restored the great feel, and more comfort with the greater compliance of a taller profile.
I’ve just bought my old S3 S/E back after 17 years, and it wears 155 / 80 13’s on the original knock-off steels Will probably change back to 145’s when the tyres need changing, even though the originals on an S/E were a 155 section.
I like 165/70/13 on 4.5" rims. Great grip and a lovely compliant ride.
Did any Plus 2 come with 4.5?
I bought my '71 Plus 2S in 1998 with original 5.5 width rims. I have never heard of any Plus 2 fitted with 4.5" rims.
I have used tires in widths from 165 to 195. For the road and delicate feel I like my 165x80 x13 Michelin XAS FF.
I had 165/80/13 Toyo’s from 4wheelonline, and had no rubbing issues. The only con with this size is that my option is limited.
our opinions DO differ - those of us who worked in motorsport want and need more (MODERN) rubber on the tarmac, so the yokohama A 539 in 175 60 13 meets the requirements; unless you’re sticking to standard TC performance: of 105 t0 128 hp. if have a “cuore sportivo” (alfa terminology) and more than 150hp, you may be able to peel the tread off, if you have good solid drive shafts!!! - and please remember: Elans are basically race cars once you start exploring the limits… sandy