Hello All
Firstly I must give huge apologies to the people who have PM me asking for this information. It is purely through ignorance that I have never checked my PM till now. 
Here is a procedure for replacing the dynamo. When I installed my alternator it was actually of a different type but this did give an idea on what to do. As it says, always disconnect the battery before you start and I always have a fire extinguisher within arms length when working on th Elan electrics!
Alternator.pdf (726 KB)
Hello is it just me, or is anyone else having trouble downloading this?
Hello Robert, no download problem of this file on this side of the planet 
Downloaded fine for me, very useful, thanks.
I had a problem downloading, the file said error and would not open for me. I had to open the folder straight off and then printed the doccument…its probably either me or my computor at fault!!!
Very useful though…I was one of the people awaiting a reply. thanks…
Thanks for the post, no problems downloading the PDF file here.
Maybe some of you don’t have acrobat reader or run on Vista?
Thanks now sorted, it was a prob on my home computer. Great article