Air horn removal?

Has anyone ever removed their air horn? the attachment bolts on my '69 +2 are not accessible from the wheel arch. you can only “get to them” through a narrow slit at the top the the wheel arch. I won’t dare undo these as i probably won’t be able to tighten them on again.

the reason i’m trying to remove it is to clean it as it is covered in what seems to be gummy underseal.

any ideas

please :question:

My air horns are in the nose of the car, in front of the radiator and to the LH side. Are yours on the wheel arch?

The bracket is held in place by a nut and bolt so, if you cut the nut off, you can easily replace them


i am sorry i was not clear on this, my air horns are located in the same spot as yours are, it is the horn compressor (mine is a masarati one i was told) that i would like to remove. this is mounted to the L/H wheel arch.

7/16" spanner and 7/16" socket on a 1/4"dr ratchet. Spanner on the front by the compressor and ratchet on the back. Oh did I forget to mention it’s dead easy if the left headlamp pod is out. Have fun :wink: . Seriously I’m working on the front of a plus2 at the moment and the light pods will be the last things in before the grill/number plate.



Googling “Maserati Air Horns” gets links to Fiamm air horns. They appear reasonable rough facsimiles. But the mounting bits are essentially non-existent (compared to the bracket that surrounds the originals).

Does anyone have experience mounting these newer units? Brilliant ideas?

Thanks… the old units gurgle.

Did Chapman / Hickman have extensible arms? I often wonder.

Sorry I can’t help vou Over Steer, but as for Fiamms, I have Fiamm horns on my bike for the blind people that drive and walk about in London, they have a captive bolt arrangement on the casing that prevents the bolt turning when doing up the nut.

Halfords sell’em

thanks for the help guys;

The compressor is off and so are the horns;

After a 30 min struggle with the mounting bolts ( they are jammed solid in the last 2 threads) and forfeiting heaven for good, i realized that the compressor slides back and down to come off… i could have just loosened them and slid it off. at least its off now…

I installed a Hella airhorn in the nose of the Elan close to the grille. I made a bracket for the compressor & horn to mount together to keep the airline as short as possible. The horn faces sideways in the nose to keep it dry. My car had horn relays so I disabled one of the Lucas horns and wired in the Hella. Works like a charm and gets people’s attention.
I’ll probably paint the red horns black to blend in.