Hi Guys,
Keith mentioned some time ago a new Air/fuel sensor that was the bees knees (LM-1 from innovate motorsports)…
Well I was looking at their site last night and I notice they have a much cheaper version the LC-1 that has none of the electronics, but plugs straight into a laptop for data logging…
My question is, has anyone used one, and is it any good?
I was wondering the same. It is questions like yours that cause me to regret that due some ignorant rudeness in the Forum, Keith no longer posts here.
If that’s correct it’s a big loss to the Lotus community. This place is a shadow of itself just a few months ago.
Going back to Tim’s orignal question. I’ve no experience of the one you mention, nor even seen one for that matter, but I’ve used a 2A1 from http://wbo2.com with a Bosch LSU 4 (6066) O2 sensor on my “other” Lotus’s.
You can either onboard log or connect it to a laptop serial port. It also drives dash displays as well and to save having to drill additional O2 sensor ports on the manifold it can also simulate a conventional narrow band O2 sensor to connect into an ecu such as on the Elise/Esprit/Elan, it also easily interfaces to the Emerald M3DK, DTA and Haltech systems.
I built mine from a kit but they offer them ready to go as well. Accuracy compared to my 4 gas analyser is pretty good.
I’ve used the LM-1 kit,bought my own one recently. fantastic for mapping and setting up carbs,easy to use. try apex performance for best uk price. 01274 617555
Sorry to hear Keith has gone,missed that episode. do hope he returns,we need clever inspirational people here,lifes too short for bitchin.
Thanks for the details…
Also missed the episode with keith…
Same thing happened on the Yahoo site
It has potentially made the forum significantly less interesting to read
Hope he comes back
significantly less interesting to read
And significantly less helpful. Thankfully Rohan continues.
Here is the episode that led to Keith’s “bye”-

Here is the episode that led to Keith’s “bye”-
Nothing much more than normal banter, you sure he’s gone?
I know he more recently said he abandoned the mail list some time ago after a public disagreement but didn’t elaborate. Even though I’ve been a long time subscriber to most Elan/Lotus lists I can’t say I’ve read much if anything that would cause that response.
Hopefully he’s just busy writing his thesis on Weber carbs!
… you sure he’s gone?
I know what he wrote me on Feb 28, which was that he was not going to post on the LotusElan.net forum any longer.
I don’t agree.
Ooooer! If only I
d been a racer I
d have known …
Is not "normal banter!. When I read it, shortly after it was posted, I thought it was an inappropriate public slap and very atypical of this board’s banter. While Keith often may have seemed blunt, I don’t recall any instances where he insulted or personalized disagreements. It seemed to me that it was always observations, facts and principles in Keith posts even when disagreements arose. Hopefully we can maintain polite discourse and not lose further contributors.
I am also looking forward to Keith’s Weber treatise. It will be published soon in the Golden Gate Lotus Club newsletter.
(my 2 penny worth!)
I aggree the comments seem a little out of the ordinary and on pretty much every discussion on things technical, input from “racers” is invaluable as they have pushed the envelope further than us road goers. Keith’s observations have been some of the best!
However it is also true that the police over he seem to be getting pretty hot on finding anything on a vehicle (in particular an older car!) involved in an RTA that might have been a contributing factor (tyres and their pressures are some of the first!)
So I guess its a real shame that he has chosen not to contribute and its a real shame that he got up the nose of these people and I look forward to his treatise on webbers (if only he had Dellortos as well!!)
I do hope Im not responsible for Keith
s demise. My tongue in cheek reply was in response to Keiths, rather terse, dismissal of opinions differing from his own. No offence was intended and I can
t believe any taken.
I have, on more than one occasion, specifically sought Keiths advice and admire the efforts he makes. I read this forum avidly and enjoy all opinions, especially Rohan
s whose experience of racing and road Elans is invaluable.
My apologies, if any is required.