I have just received a cover that I bought from S J Sportscars. I don’t think it is correct. The parts book and manual don’t provide helpful images. Brian Buckland Page 522 shows photos of early S1, 2 & 3 air box and then the S4 air box, which Brian describes as slightly different to the plus 2.
The air box cover I have received looks different from the photo that Brian shows. I have a cover lent to me from a friends plus 2 and the only difference that I can see is that the circular section that the ducting attaches to is longer, but the angle that the circular section makes with the rest of the cover is the same as the plus 2. I expected the angle to be different.
Can anyone advise me? Have I bought the wrong thing?
The two airboxes are completely different at the front Richard. An Elan airbox has a much sharper angled down front than a +2 airbox, as the nose of the car is shorter, whereas on a +2 with its longer nose, the trunking takes a more leisurely downward slope, hence the angle on the front of a +2 airbox is barely off straight.
I returned the air box cover to S J Sportscars this afternoon and ordered one from Kelvedon. Everyone claims they have the correct item, I will wait and see.
Speaking to Chris at S J the problem appears to be miss labelling of the item. The photograph on their web site appears correct but the item is not.