Looking at getting rid of my current car, being all lotus owners or fans we must have a good appreciation for good cars!!
I currently have a 2003 BMW 320I (2.2 L six) this has done 72,000 kms and is a great car, to upgrade to the current spec BMW I have to go to the 323 which I have no doubt would also be a great car.
What I have found though (In Australia at least) since they bought in the BMW 1 Series the 3 series is a bit pricey here (they pushed up the price of the 3 series to justify the 1 series!). For the same spec car it is $87,000.00 on road. Hmm less money to spend on the +2 if i get this.
I use this car for business as well so I need some sort of practical car as well, I am thinking of getting the Subaru GT / B spec this has the 2.5l STI motor with the 6 speed manual. Has any one heard of any drama’s with this car?
This car has only been out for 7 weeks in Australia as the old 2 l one wasn’t imported in as it didnt make the emission laws so not much info about on them.
We had a WRX (1999) model a few years back and this was good fun (wifes car) so I have no problems with Subaru over all.
I’d recommend the VW GTI with the VR6 engine. I bought a 1996 that was about a year old and had 13,000 miles on it. Currently has 207,400 miles with the original clutch, engine, five speed, etc. The only thing that ever gave me trouble were the electric windows - this is a weak point.
Just recently replaced the power steering pump and hoses and the steering rack.
I run only Mobil One 20W50 and change it every 6000 miles or so.
You can probably pick up an A4 GTI in good shape or wait until the A5 version comes out.
Lots of room, the hatchback makes it versatile - a great car. I’m looking forward to hitting 300,000 miles!
Darren, You hit the nail on the head about $$$$$$$$.
As Lotus owners I too believe we " have good appreciation for good cars."
I just can’t figure out why the letters b, m, and w, come up so often on elan.net. The Japanese, Swedes, even us Americans and the French make much better cars for less (a whole lot less sometimes) than that marque. I just simply do not find the attraction to overweight, over engineered, (over complicated), over priced, modes of transportation. There are too many other fun choices.