I’m still having problems with my acellorator surging after use. The problem does not occur when the acellorator cable is off; but I still can’t fix it when fully assembled.
The cable is completely free when detached, nothing is obstructing the pedal, everything looks correct as per manual. I have Dellortos
So, does anyone know of a way of fitting a second return spring (original replaced)? Is this a requirement for some track events?
The Delortos have an external return spring at the back of each carb as well as the original Lotus hairpin style spring between the carbs. Thus you should have 3 external springs already which meets the needs for most competition events regulations. Webers have a similar spring to the ones at the back of the Delortos internally in each carb ( it is also much weaker and not much use) and the regulations in Australia at least require 2 external springs so you have to add a spring with Webers.
If the engine is surging when the pedal is released but the cable is not binding and the throttles are returning fully against the stops then its not the spring but the idle setup you need to work on.