a little help please?....

maybe im not the most techno savy but ive tried to post a photo of my car in the gallery and as well add it to my profile but to no avail

…can anyone help with how this gets done?..and what the heck is an avatar ?..sounds like an appetizer…would you like avatar with your gin and tonic?..david

Hi David,

Posting images is very simple now. Just scroll down to ‘Add attachment’ on the reply/new topic page, click on ‘Browse’ next to the Filename box. This will allow you to locate the image on your computer you wish to upload. Once found, the name of your image will appear in the Filename box, then click ‘Add attachment’. Repeat to add more images.

An avatar is the personalised picture you see under the author name in the left column on the forums (most have pics of their cars)

Hope this helps


Here are the instructions for posting attachments:


jeff and all thanks for the help in posting photos…i was doing the right thing but apparently my photo is too large in file size…what a great forum and people thanks all…david