A Good Lotus Story

hi everyone,

dont know about you but i always get a kick out of elaborated tales of lotus so heres one for the pile:

seems when i bought my elan sprint coupe last year it came with a sunroof, a very nice affair that was very well done. so i asked what the story was and if in fact it was original to the car…heres what i got back…seems that american customers of lotus coupes were bitching that they were to damn hot…can you imagine that?..and they wanted to know what colin chapman intended to do abought it…to which his reply was “oh dear, we must correct this immediately”…yeah right!!..anyhow seems colin was talking one day to trevor wilkinson and the subject came up about sunroofs and trevor said he was sitting on a bunch as sales were slow and a deal was struck…the sunroofs went out to the dealers and they installed them on customer cars…the question is are these webasto sunroofs?..they are very nice actually …a short lever you swing and unhook a latch hook from the windshield frame …slides back nice and sweet …and is actually quieter when open…i have seen this sunroof on 1 or 2 other cars…anyone know anything?

if it is a vynil roof it almost certainly a webasto roof, they are still in business in Birmingham UK
cheers Len


Photos from West Coast Lotus Meet by the Golden Gate Lotus Club of 2 Elans with this top.

hi everyone
my thanks for the info and photos on the sunroof…nice to see it elsewhere so it must have been a quasi factory/dealer deal
