A Frame bushes

After the rear brakes pads, i have to replace the A Frame bushes (inner & outer); I know it’s a hard job to do. Do you have some advice to choose these bushes, what are the best ( PMatty, SJ,sportscars Ch Neil…)?



There are basically two types, Metallastic (2 sleeves of steel sandwiching bonded rubber between them) and Polyurethene.

The Metallastic are standard. I have always used them and they perform fine. As you point out they can be difficult to fit without a press.

The poly bushes, I am told are much easier to fit but are likely to be somewhat harsher. Also much more expensive. Perhaps someone with experience with these will reply.

If you go down the original Metallastic route a few options,

  1. Spend many hours with a vice, a hammer, another vice and a book of swear words (in case you run out on your own).

  2. Have them fitted at your local machine shop. (Make sure they have the precise dimensions otherwise they will be a bear to adjust once you get them home).

  3. Have whoever supplies them fit them.

Paul Matty is always a good choice but they do not stock poly bushes.

One other point, when using Metallatic bushes, do not fully tigthen the bolts until the car is sitting at its normal ride height on the suspension.


It is possible to fit the original type bushes using a long (& strong!) FINE threaded bolt (& nut), just small enough to fit through the bore, and a selection of thick washers, large sockets, etc. They will be press in like this if the bores are clean & smooth with just a smear of copper grease.

Vices tend to have a large thread pitch which does not give enough mechanical advantage to press them in.

:arrow_right: Matthew

Thanks for your answer, I’ll order the bushes at Paul Matty.

4 month ago, I bought on ebay an alloy radiator, it’s was not easy to fit (the neck was longer as the neck on “standard rad”) but now, it was very very efficient even by this hot weather. (that’s true the former rad on late +2is a little bit small )


I have fitted poly bushes to my S4 and I do not find them harsh. They were easy to fit just pushed in with the aid of a G-clamp