Having thought I’d finished the stripping of the paint and filler etc I suddenly realised I was experiencing a false dawn… lurking in a corner were the bumpers and light pods. However now it’s done but, i’m wondering if it’s better to buy a new front bumper and near side headlamp pod…What do you think?
Interesting videos, I think you will have an enormous amount of work to bring the body back to full glory. I did a similar thing last year and used Reface which I thought was pretty good. I stuck with cellulose primers and topcoat and thought it looked pretty good at the time, but a year on I can see imperfections where the cellulose sinks back. I guess if I did it again I’d try a base coat and lacquer maybe.
That bubbling , pinholing, is caused by water retention in the fibreglass, I found the only way to get rid of it was to sand back, do repairs and profiles and re-glass, once you have a nice new resin surface you will have a good solid base