5 spped +2 reversing light switch

I urgently need either a new switch or the Lucas part number if someone can advise please. After getting everything back together and in the car it loks as if I’ve snagged one of the wires and ripped theterminal connection off the switch. After much struggling and swearing II’ve removed it and can’t repair it. The name Lucas is stamped on it but no part number.

Thanks in advance

I don’t know the answer but Lotus will have used a standard part.
My 5 spd gearlever snapped at the circlip groove (apparently a known weakness). I bought a new lever (expensive at the time) as I didn’t know where it came from - with Maxi internals I assumed BL.
I later found it was a standard Ford part (cortina I think but it was a while ago) and I bought a scrapyard spare very cheaply.
I would try taking your damaged switch to a local breakers or parts store and start by looking at Fords of the period. I suspect that is may be a fairly standard part. Let us know if you find out!
Good luck

Cheers Mike
Managed to get one eventually from Paul Matty. None of my local dealers or scrappies had one. Getting the old one out was a pig. Reaching the nuts holding the chassis mounting plate to the gearbox mount was terrible job. Once I’d got it off there was no way to get the nuts back on again so tapped the holes in the mounting to take 10 mm high tensile bolts. great fun when you’ve got a maximum clearance of less then 30 cm lying on a cold concrete floor.

Anyway, she’s all back together, carbs tuned, waxed and polished and waiting for 1st April to get road tax!