I’m about to change the gearbox oil in my 5 speed and I am going to use Redline MTL. However there seem to be 2 or 3 different grades, can anyone advise as to which I should use and where I can get it from in the UK.
Redline MTL is an SAE 70W80 API GL-4 gear oil - there are no other grades of MTL. There are other Redline Gear Oils - MT-90 (75W90 API GL-4), 75W90 NS (75W90 API GL-5), etc.
There has been a lot of discussion over time but for original Lotus gearboxes the concensus seems to be that a GL-4 is appropriate for the gearbox and MTL seems to get the vote over MT-90 amongst the Redline offerings (though I may be biased as I am a very happy MTL user!).
Some people baulk at the price. I don’t know about the UK but I can get it from about AUS$ 26 a quart (approx GBP 10/quart).
For UK points of sale contact one of the distributors listed at redlineoil.com/dealers_inter … submit.y=6
Following the recommendation of Lotus gearbox guru Graham Boulton I have been using Castrol Syntrax Driveline SAE 75W - 90 API GL4/GL5 for some time in both my Lotus and Sierra type 9 gearboxes. ?10.95 a litre, it must be good !
Remember the original Maxi gearbox, from which the Lotus 5 speed was derived, lived in plain old engine oil.
Sean Murray
I am a very satisfied user of Redline gear oils in all my cars. MTL made a signficant difference to the change quality in my Esprit and 5 speed plus 2. In my 4 speed Elan the change is so good to begin with that its hard to feel any difference when changing to MTL from other conventional or synthetic oils. Even my Toyota Landcruiser gear change benefitted from Redline oil - MT90 in this case. I also use Redline oil in all the diffs - I just believe in using the best oil you can get as oil is cheap compared to rebuilds
hm… Maybe I’m going down the Redline route too…
By the way: How much of a pain in the a**** is it to drain/refill completely from underneath? (+2 with spyder spaceframe)
Draining is easy - just remove the correct hex socket plug NOT the dome headed plug which looks like a drain plug near it.
Filling via the hex socket plug in the side is easy if you have a small pump bottle, you can buy them for a few dollars at most oil supply places. If you dont you need to run a hose up through the eingine bay and fill via a funnel.
Clearance to get up the side of the gear box to remove the plug and feed in the hose is much better on the Spyder than standard chassis.
Excellent, thanks Rohan, I’m too lazy to look in the book (and try to plan my plan of attack while at work…) !