5-Speed gear lever replacement?

As you may have seen in a different thread, I recently got my hands on a 5-speed gearbox that will eventually go into my Plus 2. It came with most of the bits needed for the installation, but the gear isn’t much good- the plastic bits are damaged and the shaft is an improvised bit that doesn’t work very well (nice knob though).

The original type lever doesn’t seem to be available new anymore. Am I correct that it’s the same as the Mk3 Cortina lever? And thinking along those lines, I’ve seen some other Ford levers that look like they may be compatible and may still be available, such as the Type E (‘Rocket’) and maybe some Escort levers. Anybody know if these are compatible?

Not new as far as I am aware. Unless you want a quick shift race type stick.

Not sure on this, probably depends on the transmission used.

Correct, type-e stick I believe. They come up on ebay every so often or might find from from a ford place. They are very similair to type 9 stick just with different attachment method. I got one from:
lotusbits.com/elite_chassis.html (Gear stick S1 5 speed)

But they aren’t cheap!

Post a few pics of the parts of the stick you have. It might be possible to rebuild. Will try remember to look at the left over parts I have.

FYI I’ve posted a STL file somewhere on here for the lower ball which should allow it to be 3d printed.

This might do the trick:
ebay.com/itm/Genuine-Ford-E … SwDrNZXMxZ

Or, slightly cheaper:
ebay.com/itm/Ford-Escort-Si … Sw-r5ereHK

Hard to believe two companies in Istanbul are selling the same thing.

They both have screw in bases but that’s all I know. The Lotus 5 speed guys here can confirm, or not.

They look like the correct thing.

I suspect you know more than enough to class your self as a 5 speed guy. Even if you aren’t going that route now!

Thanks guys. Not cheap, LOL! All three choices linked-to in this discussion are much more reasonable than the knackered-looking used ones that DBE wants $130 for either of! Also offered to order me a ‘billet’ one for $300! :open_mouth:

I’m on the road right now so won’t be able to post any pics for a few days.

Great idea!

The dbe options don’t sound very tempting!

Attached is pic of my spare* stick and the bits I found. I technically have a few more bits from the lower section but there with a friend (test printed the lower ball) a few hundred miles away.

Given there importance of the condition of the stick on the quality of gear shift it might be better to get a new one.

  • I recently did a similar mod to my old stick that Vince Reynolds did (his videos on YouTube). I’ve used silicon sealant to join the parts and provide anti sizzle. Not many miles on the stick yet so keeping hold of the spare in case of issue with my modded stick.

The ones Greg posted look correct as the original type from what I’ve gathered from some time researching the subject. The plastic threaded base and ball are worrisome though, and I read in a Cortina forum about the plastic threads eventually giving up and the lever coming lose during a shift, and of trouble unbending the metal lock-tabs working through the hole in the floor to allow removing the lever.

I did also find this lever available from a few sources: motorsport-tools.com/escort … shift.html

Nice metal base, I wonder if that’s the ‘billet’ item that DBE wants so much for? Thread durability shouldn’t be an issue, and bending the lever the right amount to match the angle of the original type shouldn’t be a major trick. I did read somewhere though that this type may transmit more vibration.

I’m half-tempted to order one of the original types from those eBay links and also one of these metal-based types and do a comparo.

The plastic screws into the metal gearbox so easy for it to get messed up if not careful. Just need to be careful and not screw it in and out too many times, the plastic probably fails over time too.

The balls are an issue but probably have a good +20 year life if in good condition. Mine was turning into cheese but I assume it had 50 years of oil exposure and heat cycles so not that surprising.

I don’t bother with the folding tabs on them and access in the +2 too isn’t too bad.

There are a few makers or suppliers for the metal ones I believe. So might not be that exact one, maybe a quaife one. It seems to me that the US supplier need a larger margin on things to to maintain their businesses which is a shame as makes it hard to support them.

Would be interested to hear what the metal one is like if you do that. I haven’t gone for one due to lack of long bent stick option and concern about sizzle/vibration through it. Also found the shift with a good standard stick pretty good, so decide just to remove some flex out of the bushing in the standard one.

This one seem to be even cheaper, not sure what the difference is!
motorsport-tools.com/mk2-es … shift.html

Watch out for those quick shift sticks. They move the pivot point upwards, which means you need more effort to change gears.

I fitted a Cortina stick to mine, but had to cut&shut it so it stood vertical. It cost £13 in January from ebay. I get the impression that all of those Ford gear sticks with a plastic threaded bottom will fit the 5 speed gearbox. If you find one with a metal base / thread it’s probably short shift like jkatthehelm’s one - it’ll fit but you’ll have a hard time changing gear. Here’s a picture we took of both ends - the plastic one is on the bottom:

I went ahead and ordered one of the OEM types from eBay, sounds like it should be A-OK.

And just for kicks I went searching for the gaiter- including reading old threads here to ascertain its Ford part number (71BG 7277 CA) and around teh interwebz for what it comes from ('71-'83 Taunus)…and only found one, NOS in Australia for AUD $126! :open_mouth: Thank goodness I’m not super-into its looks, and I wonder if it would even fit in the given space on my early-type centre console, given that the four-speed one looks to have a smaller footprint and just fits that space. Gonna have to improvise on the gaiter then but that’s OK, a little customizing might produce something better-looking anyway. :smiley:

The OEM stick sounds sensible.

My car came with a unknown but probably incorrect bellow style rectangular style gaiter lose in the boot. I’ve trimmed the lower section off and use the standard metal rectangular bracket to secure it to the body. Works ok but is hidden under a none standard vinyl gator that the car came with.

I also fitted some sound deadening into the bottom of the rubber gaiter.

The gaitor is acting as a spring. Therefore, a conical spring of the right dimensions and stiffness ought to work, too.

Do you mean the inner black rubber one or the outer one? I’ve received the lever (came all the way from Istanbul, of all places!) and the inner one does seem to provide a certain amount of spring. I’m aware that the outer one comes from another vehicle altogether so I suspect you mean the inner one.