5 speed gear lever boot

Hi all
Does anyone know where I can get the rubber gear lever boot for the Plus 2 5 speed? Is it a Ford item perhaps?
thanks in advance

Try ford Cortina Mk4

Thanks David, will follow that up. Kelvedon suggested Ford Orion but I think that’s way too new unless there was carry-over or they’re compatible. All thoughts welcome - cheers

If it is the original maxi-derived Lotus 5 speed box, then the boot from a Rover P6 2000 was the original fitment and is not difficult to source.

Thank you Gordon!

Rover p6 is for the 4 speed box, definitely 70s Ford.

Cheers… I had found the same. Finding the Ford item is difficult!

I think I had found it was from a Taunus, possibly the same item as in the aforementioned Cortina? In any case, it seemed to be NLA.

Thanks… I’ll keep hunting!


The 5 speed gear lever boot was typically from the Cortina MkIII but no doubt found its way onto other Fords of the era.
The reference on the boot under the flange is; 71BG-7277-CA and 205157 as photo.
I have successfully found these at autojumbles on the Ford stalls based on the above reference.
Keep looking!


Appreciate the info Gary! Cheers

Yes they were MK3 cortina not sure if MK4 is the same but they are as rare as rocking horse poo

I saw an NOS one listed for £92 a few months ago.

I think when I install the five-speed I’m just going to do a more conventional fake-leather gaitor and not worry about it.

I think the rubber gator is important as an air seal to keep any bad fumes out of the car. My car came with a random incorrect rubber gator in the trunk and vinyl gator fitted.

I’ve adjusted (cut) the rubber one and fitted under the vinyl one. I’d suggest finding a suitable alternative rubber gator and adjusting it to fit. Then covering it up with a leather one.

Do cars that came with the five lack the inner gator that fours have, the square piece of rubber that goes around the shift-ball and secures to the top of the tunnel? If so, improvising something like that seems by far easier than to find an outer one that fits anywhere near as well -and still looks complimentary to the style of the car- as the stock Ford item.

I’m note sure if the 5 speed lever boot was the same for the Plus2 and for the 2 seaters, but when I was looking for one for my Lotus 5 speed conversion it took me quite a while to source one, eventually by sheer luck from an old Ford concession in a distant foreign country iirc (thank’s to a well know worldwide auction site).

If the well-known auction site starts with an e, that’s where I saw the 92-pound item.

checked yesterday and they’re now Aussie $425 and more !!!

I shall be going without in that case!

it does. I did not pay that much though, less than half I would say… it was years ago, I can try to dig that up if of use…