5 Speed 1970?

I am looking and maybe buying at a 1970 Lotus Elan plus 2, restored 8 years ago. The current owner tells me the car has a 5 speed transmission. She does not know if is original or not: only that it is a 5 speed and that works flawlessly. The only info available from the restoration regarding the transmission is this photo. Would you recognize it? Is it a 5 speed from a later model? a different kind? Thanks for your help, Carlos


The five speed gearbox was not available on a Lotus until October 1972, so it will not be original to the 1970 car you are looking at.



I’m going from memory here, but that tail section looks much longer than I remember the one for my 5 speed box.


Thank you very much guys. So it is not original as I suspected? Now the question is? what is this? Carlos

Here’s a picture of a 5 speed from an Eclat (foreground), with the Elan 5 speed in the background.

The bellhousings are different.
The central casings the same (some innards match)

The tailhousings speak for themselves.


Your picture is of a 4 speed box and not a 5 speed. I have a 1970 plus 2 and they were only ever made as a 4 speed. The 5 speed came out for the latter s130 models.


Carlos, are you sure it is a 5 speed? looks more like a Ford 4 speed to me.
Here is a pic of Ford type 9 (5 speed) unless its a type 9 with a modified tail section and lever??

It’ a 5 speed but one is reverse :laughing:

Brian: I am not sure. The owner says it is a 5 speed so – I assume-- it is, but I do not know what kind of transmission is this. I will drive the car in two days… but even if I see the transmission by myself I will not be able to recognize it!

Thank you all for your help. Carlos

As this is April 1st- my Elan Sprint has a five speed box, four forward and one reverse.

I’ll get me coat… :smiling_imp:

Your photo is the standard Ford 2000E 4 speed for a 1970 Plus 2. The actual gearbox casting looks like the earlier 2000E casting from the early 60’s which had fewer ribs in the casing but was otherwise identical and interchangeable with the later castings. The gear change lever attachment to the box has also been modified from standard.

If a 5 speed has actually been fitted at some later time it is most likely the Ford Type 9 or the Lotus Austin Maxi based boxes of which photos have been posted so you should be able to tell what you have.


A bit off topic…
But; my Marcos is fitted with the 5-speed type9 gearbox; are there several different type9’s - or can I assume mine is like the one in the photo above?

I need a new gasket set; that’s why I ask if there are several type9’s…

And my 1971 +2S 130/4 has the original 4-speed gearbox, the 5-speed came with the +2S140/5…

+2S 140/5…?

John :wink:

Didn’t you know?
They’ve made an upgraded version…

Sorry; of course I ment +2S 130/5 :blush:

I am attaching a photo of my 1969 Elan +2 with a 4 speed box. This is the best picture I have showing the transmission. It appears very similar to the 5 speed in question.

My dog Abigail was always watching me when I worked on the car. It was common for her to “inspect” as shown in the photo. Unfortunately she died almost 4 years ago.
