… Hi , second post , first subject , from France …
Just a question : has one of you already buy (and test) one of the "non Knock of " wrench tool even for the 26R alu spinners?
Thank you for your response ,
Christian, we spoke through email earlier today and additionally I wanted to let you know that I have sold many spinner removal tools so far and if any one of them does not perform as I represented, they are fully refundable. So far I have not been able to determine that the 26R spinner is any different than the other elan spinners except the safety ones that the ears turn inward. I think they were made only for a few years, a US stupid thing.
Best regards, Sarto
Hi Sarto ,
As I said , this request was not for me … You have seen my car… And your tool work fine on my spinners.
My friend , having a 26R with BRM mag’ & Alu spinners wanted to make sure before ordering … Looking closer , these spinners have longer wings, but is it a problem(?) , and (on pict.) look larger around the hub (more alu than brass), here could be the problem(!)
It’s why I asked the "26 racer’s world ".
Even in France , there is some distance between us , and the new pictures you send me last night should say it better than words .
Thank you for all
26R spinners are different to standard spinners, different thread, different shape, different weight! all four weigh less than one brass standard Elan spinner!
A help, I hope
… Thanks for your post , Sadlotus.
But Sarto ,who created the tool already send pictures of his tool ON a 26R spinner … but …
Having a look to your pictures , it seems than you have BRM’mag on a Sprint S4 and they combine both bolt and spinners’ ?
Please , tell us more about this way …
Hi Old English White,
Yes the wheels are the ali 26R pattern ones’ from TTR as are the spinners. They bolt on the same way as standard with the spinner, except the locating studs/bolts are on the wheel instead of the hub (4 instead of 5), the studs are bolted to the wheel which makes it look like the wheel is both bolted and spun(?) on.
er… yes …S4
Hi Sadlotus ,
… Clear explanation … one last comment(!) , so ,
specific hub for this ? Did they give you space or maybe are they stronger ?
By the way , are the 26R spinners going on the “standard” Lotus hub ? (
they look so cool on the car and as you said before , they are a lot lighter… and I suppose a lot more expensive !)
“Old English White” 66’ FHC S3
Christian, the pictures I sent fit the Cobra spinners that I designed it for. Not the 26R elans. The Cobra tool may fit a 26R as it is lightweight and is larger than our spinners. I still have not seen or tried the tool on a 26R spinner. I’m going to check with Rich Kamp at Infineon raceway, he may have one I can try. By pressing the steel differently I can change the grip to fit other shaped spinners. I would be happy to send one to your friend to try with his 26R elan, but give me a little time to actually fit one first. I need to have the spinner to make the correct adjustments as the grip is important. I’ll get back to you later.
sadlotus, where would I find your pictures?? Thanks[/url]
… No problems Sarto ,
The point is , you are (or will be) able to “shape” your tool to a 26R spinner , and that’s the only thing I ‘ll keep in mind.
“Old English White” 66’ FHC S3
26R spinners don’t necessarily have different threads------ TTR made me a set to fit standard hubs, to go with my existing 26R wheels to fit standard hubs.
Hi Elancoup? ,
So ,you are using these spinners on the S3 , with standard wheels or what ?
“Old English White” 66’ FHC S3
Hi Christian,
Actually, I have a set of 26R (replica) wheels, 13by5 , that were made to fit standard hubs. These were produced by UK Racing Castings for me. The offset is obviously a little different than stock wheels.
… Hi Elancoup? ,
I suppose you had the same problem as me with my set of 13X5 Minilite’s … same offset , but the thickness of the alu rim need spacers (3mm) to cope with the rear A-frame … then problems with tyres in the originals wheels arches that I want to keep … I understand better the modifictions made on 26R’s & S4’s …
“Old Enlish White” 66’ FHC S3
my 26r came with bolt on mini lights 5.5x13 [as the spinner was a cost option and wernt deemd necessary for sprint races]but I can sent you pics off line as I haven’t figured how to post pics ON THE SITE — ed
Hi Twincamman,
Keep trying , you will find a way , or create your own gallery , in the photo galleries , it’s in your language , so just follow the intructions !
I do create mine , just for a test . The trick is ; at first , you have to name your “album” , then thru coppermine , you browse your picture files and upload the ones you selected . Don’t use too big files , you will insert one picture only! … the best is to save them with Photoshop or equ. in a “for web” format to reduce the size of the file , not of the pict. , that before upload .
This to say that we will be happy to look at your car ! At work!
“Old English White” 66’ FHC S3
it may be my language and it may be my computer --but the fn computer wont always do what I want ed
… Rage against the machines… Hope than your 26R is more obediant !
It take time (or ages !!!) for me but , now feel confident because I know than this bloody computer will stay patient until I make it right … A kind of philosophy “same player , shoot again…”!
So , we will wait for your pictures… until you succed or somebody help you !
“Old English White” 66’ FHC S3
done------ the pics are there ----:!: -----ed
… Seems to be a “great day” for you , Twincamman … 345 posts and your first pictures gallery … and we can see your baby(s) … they just look great !
I aslo noticed than your Minilite’s are larger(5.5/6") than mines(5") ; your 26R body make it possible , S3 body do not … So do you race it ?
“Old English White” 66’ FHC S3