apparently different to normal, any ideas? picture and mounting position?
Think there’s one on ebay UK at the moment but don’t know if it’s correct.
Hi Gordon
In the first two photos the lamp on the dash appears to be the same as the thimble lamp that is used as a side light in the small opening at the front of the elan. If not that than the Elite licence plate light. I have also seen the front wing mounted amber directional indicator lamp used (third photo) used as oil warning lamps.
1964 Sports Car Graphic article on the lightweight Elan
not stock dash from 26r46 (I think)
Spare parts from the 70 Coupe
thanks Gary / Elanfan
yes saw the one on fleabay but wasn’t sure if this was what they really were or not… still no closer to the answer
26r_parts14.pdf (183.9 KB)
Hi Gordon
Jeff has posted some 26r parts .pdf’s and the oil warning lamp listed in there as 28 M 074 and the switch is 7954149. The 28 part is Lotus Cortina so get out your LoCort parts book and have a look there.
p.s. - I looked and didn’t find it, maybe you will have better luck
this one came in my car [ 26r s2 33] in the dash but put it where you can see it and add a seat belt warning device buzzer in the circuit for an audio heads up in case you don’t notice the light -oh yes --use RED not amber or green as you are mentally conditioned to red being danger --With the lack of records kept by the manufacturer you could use a traffic light in the dash and call it authentic -don’t put too much faith in opinions expressed by the ‘experts’ as they are just that - their opinions - and they will pontificate at any opportunity to anyone listening --ed-
I see that the seller is David Hughes, and I would be inclined to believe his claim to originality, given his knowledge. A bit pricey, tho
thanks Mike
alas sold for 155pounds on ebay, to expensive for me still atleast I know what they look like now…
you could get a light off a 747 cheaper and it will do the job ----26r light indeed --you guys are getting f22cked in wallet and the head --ITS A LIGHT comes on to tell you your engine grenaded 2 seconds ago —ed
Hi Guys
The light on Ebay was mine.
These lights were originally used as repeater lights for trailers and caravans also available with half red half white lenses to be used as running lights.
The manufacturer is unknown but they were fitted to the 26R, 47 and some formula cars.
The pic above is of the dash of an S2 26r which is probably the most original car in existence having spent most of its life in Scandinavia as an ice racer!! It has been totally rebuilt retaining its original body and chassis by a friend of mine.
I’m sorry Ed but the light in your car is not original to the 26R.
Hope this dosen’t start another “Shapecraft”
Dave Hughes
by the way Ed
Correct chassis no should be 26-S2-33 not 26R-S2-33 and that car is owned by Jane Watson and is the ex Ian Walker Rally car. Well known by all.
Cheers Dave
C**kup guys ex Ian Walker rally car is 26-R-33 26-S2-33 was ex “racing car show” car
my apologies to all!!!
got to hand it to you Dave 155 pounds for a trailer light --you sleep well at night ??? ed
OK now, we have the makings for another topic with 100+ replies and with all of the players from the past and some new folks in for the game. It ought to rival any of the past performances that we all seem to get involved with. Passion and shear determination to get in the last dig or comment is a must with any talk of 26r. Beau should be around for the photo session so I’ll get some of those classic expressions that everyone loves to see, then go from there to see if some new animal faces show up on the sceen…
Hi Guys
All the items I sell go to funding my total rebuild not that that is anyones concern other than mine.
I’m only too pleased to try and help real enthusiasts with info or parts and get regular requests for obscure items.
Cheers Dave
at those prices it shouldn’t take long ----the lite in my dash was put there by the previous owner —read the message ‘heres what came in mine’ ----26 denotes elan 2 the series and 33 the production number so the much vaunted car there is what??? and elan series 2 number 33 -perhaps a series one with that low a number???": --it surprises me the factory doesnt know what cars went where or with what equipment or how many times a serial number was used but the ’ experts’ claim to -and make a big buck with their claims --I havent seen robbery like that since the Arabs discovered oil --do you have any used 26r tire air I could buy??-this grows tiresome right Neo? —want cookie??? ??? - ed
sorry to have started this… and not begrudging the sellers what they get it was just more than I would have paid…
Atleast now I know what they are supposed to look like and I will keep an eye out for one.
Hey Gordon --dont be sorry --this started a long time before you came along --and some of these folks just wait for my posts – watch your wallet when anyone sells you a ‘26r’ part . P.T. Barnham was very right when he said’ There is a sucker born every minute’ --if you want a giggle look up 'shapecraft ’ thread – -ed
…just went to the closet and have now put on my vertically black and white striped shirt.
Ed, did the Arabs discover oil?
What do you think the light is worth?
Can you name one of us waiting for your posts?
Dave, it’s obvious to me, and nearly the rest of the world, your light was worth what it sold for.
I’ve always thought something is worth what someone is willing to pay for it. To me, the open free market is that simple.
Ed, Sure there are suckers but they don’t determine true market value, only what someone can con them out of.
That said, it does seem like a helluva lot or money, but so what…
…who here knows what an original S1 interior rear view mirror is worth. Also a helluva lotta money, and I’m sure they’re used on dozens of other “mundane” fifties and sixties British cars. But…
Gordon, if I was you I’d keep an eye out for one at swap meets, in the meantime, any lightbulb will do.
It is a backup warning system worth having if you’re building a track car.
Jump Ball…