26/5416 back on the road after 39 years...

Just in time for it’s 43rd birthday S2 26/5416 is back on the road.

More pictures and details to follow but after many weekends work she is back on the road. Original speedo shows 7590 miles!

A few bits of tidying up to do but basically all there now.

Gordon :smiley: :smiley: :smiley: :smiley: :smiley: :smiley: :smiley: :smiley: :smiley: :smiley: :smiley: :smiley: :smiley: :smiley: :smiley: :smiley: :smiley: :smiley: :smiley: :smiley: :smiley:

Hi Gordon

That’s great to hear that another Elan roadster is back on the road. I know the feeling of joy when you take the first spin. Please post some photo of the work in progress as the pictures of the end product of your labors is like most of the shiny photos on this site. The before, during, and after pictures tells a great story that most people don’t share. I am pretty sure that most folks on this forum know what the finished product looks like, its all of the hard work that it takes before any of the color goes on that really tells people about the journey.


finally have time to find some photos of the car as it progressed, will add some more later.
First time I have posted a pic so I hope these work… :neutral_face:

Originally imported to Australia in 1970 and off the road since then, rescued from a farm north west of Sydney 10+ years back.
Body restored and fitted with 26R guards and painted blue
Pic 1 couple of years back when I first saw it in bits but basically all there

Pic 2 more recent with cage fitted, panasport wheels on and doors about to go on.

Pic 3 ditto above and engine in (standard spec with sprint cams, alternator and β€œbloody gorgeous” extractors fitted

Pic 4 first drive, though bonnet off getting a respray.

car now road registered, hood fitted today and enjoying a beautiful sunny autumn day in Sydney. Still have a stack of small things to do but great to have on the road.
NB - I noticed a few posts on steering wheel options, I fitted a Tony Thompson 26R replica wheel and very happy with it, will take a pic and post



Softtop done yesterday and managed to cobble together a way of holding the front number plate on, what does anyone else do with number plates at the front?


what does anyone else do with number plates at the front?
Can you use the loose letters/numbers on the grill or is that not allowed in OZ.?

I have NSW premium plates as you do. See if you can follow this…
My S4 had 2 holes just under the bottom lip of the grill (which I’d say were added after it got to Aust so you’d have to drill them - ouch!). Fixing the plates directly meant they were unreadable as they were raked back at the angle of the underside of the nose. I just used a section of a (small) rubber door stop, cut in two at an angle of 45 degrees to make two washers. Then fixed between the plate and body with the offset angle appropriately against the body - which put the plates sufficiently near vertical to be clearly readable. I guess I could post a pic if it helps.
Well done. Look forward to seeing you on the road!