250,000 miles!

Hi All,

Just returned from a trip to Spain and France from Santander to Caen via the Picas Europas, the Las Bardenas Reales desert (south of Pamplona) see pic. Over the Pyrenees, Perigord Region and all other places mainly by N & D roads. Johanna loved it as we celerbrated her birthday whilst in France.

A momentus occasion also for the +2. The Speedo clicked over from 49,000 to 50,000 miles. Add on another 200,000 and yes 250,000 recorded miles. The car has actually done more than that as the speedo cable has broken more than once!! OK as I have pointed out to people before, it is on it’s 3rd chassis and I know the engine inside out intimately (more than once) The car has held together well, 2,400 miles, 4 pints of oil and averaged 35 mpg.

Gordon Lund


Well done to Rubarb…and of course you!!!

Only another 180,000 odd miles to go on my +2 to catch up!!


Nice one Gordon, great to see Rhubarb going well.
I only wish I had the opportunity to use my sprint as much as you do with
the +2.

all the best


That’s marvellous Gordon,

Having seen Rhubarb on more than one occasion it’s great to know that all is well, and still going strong. 250,000 miles :open_mouth: I guess most guys on here would be happy to see half that.
