+2 steering rack in baby elan

Am I right in thinking that the rack on a baby Elan is the same as a +2 apart from the track rods…or not?

Yes, I fitted a +2 rack in my S2 after changing the tie rods. (track rods)

As far as I am aware all you need to do is take the extensions of the plus 2 tie rods, the rest is the same.


Hi Jim ! :slight_smile:

I asked about this a while back - see

There seem to be a lot of steering racks about with ‘home-made’ limit spacers (e.g. on eBay). The number of turns seems to vary considerably from the ‘standard’ spec. Just make sure you don’t get an unmodified Triumph Herald one as it will turn far tooooo sharply :open_mouth:

Best wishes,
:arrow_right: Matthew

I think some +2’s were fitted with the extentsion on the tie rod and some had a longer tie rod, Dave Beans book lists a:
a 6" tie rod (Elan)
a 7" tie rod ((Europa,+2, Seven)
and also the tie rod extensions (+2)

Hmm, wasn’t the original application the Herald/Spitfire which was then modified for the Elan purely by the addition of the travel limiting spacers and the tie rod shortening/threading? By turning far too sharply do you mean the ratio was changed as I can’t say I’ve seen any mention of that before (and I’m sure that’s what Robinshaw and Ross also say)

Martin, yes!! :wink:


the maximum steering angle of the wheels will be reduced, so if you DON’T have these spacers fitted then the rack and therefore wheels will move too far. The tyres will contact the body or chassis/antiroll bar (maybe) with unpleasant results… :cry:

:arrow_right: Matthew

Just to clarify, the RATIO of the steering rack is NOT changed, only the travel.

:arrow_right: Matthew

I think that is true but there was several version’s of the Spitfire… Mark 1/2/3/4 and a GT6. I dont know but maybe some of these versions had different ratio’s ?

I had a plough through the Moss Spitfire/Herald/GT6 parts books a few months ago and while the basic assembly looked similar there seemed to be a lot of variants available on the racks and pinions (I never checked the steering arms) indicating some design differences.