+2 steering jammed

Hi, Trying to change the badly worn steering coupling, the bolts came out after a good Plus Gas soaking, I rather foolishly tried to check the play at the steering wheel and it jammed with the wheel now off centre to the right.
The car is up on ramps, I 've been all day trying to lever the joint up the shaft with the coupling prised open.

Mine is a collapsible column, but I need to be able to rotate the column so I can remove the clamping bolts which have their heads at the top towards the body. The coupling is the original type with the rubber inserts.
If must have jumped the splines but I’m frightened to try and force the steering wheel back to the straight ahead position.

I would be really grateful for any help, Thanks John.

Hi John

Can’t say that I fully understand the nature of where/how its stuck, but I’m only 15 miles from Lincoln, so i’m happy to pop over and see if two scratching heads can solve ther issue. PM me if you want an extra pair of eyes


If I understand the problem correctly you’ve undone the coupling and now the steering column is jammed? I’m assuming it’s not the steering lock that activated? ie you’ve tried the key in the lock and it’s still jammed.

You could undo the pinch bolt holding the two halves of the steering column together. This is above the pedals at the bulkhead. This will allow you a bit of movement to slide the shaft back and maybe clear the coupling. If this fails you may need to release the column completely.

Slme possibly useful things that pop to mind having recently been doing a similar job.

  1. triumph column had a steering lock make sure it’s not engaged.

  2. the clamp bolts in the joint must be completely removed to remove the joint.

  3. you need to loosen the clamp between the two column parts so you can retract the column to pull it the joint. Just under the two bolts joining the lives not the central one that says the clamp force.

  4. the column to joint section only fits in one orientation

  5. The joint to rack section goes in any orientation and is used to adjust column/steering wheel to start rack position

  6. make sure when re fitting steering is straight ahead (measure distance from lower suspension mount pin to track rod and ensure the same on both sides)

  7. ensure the column is in the correct rotation for the self cancelling to work correctly. If you remove the steering wheel you should be able to see the clip on the column that does the cancelling. That need to be positioned at 3 o clock.

:sunglasses: for removing the column with careful positioning off the clamp and re positioning you can use the steering wheel to pull the column out of the joint.

Good luck, it’s a bit of a pig of a job as access and space is poor.

Thanks for all the replies.

I do not have a steering lock, my ignition switch is on the dash, so that rules that out.
Just trying to make things a bit clearer, the wheels are still in their original position i.e. straight ahead but the steering wheel is now off centre to the right. The coupling is now very sloppy at the joints but tight on the column splines.
The column needs rotating to be able to remove the two clamp bolts, the top of the clamp is level with the bulkhead so no clearance.

I hope this explains things a bit better John

You need to take the weight off the front wheels, use a jack and wood plank on centre of chassis cross member. This will allow you to turn the steering wheel again or wheels and get to the clamp bolts.

Be sure one of the pinch bolts has not slipped out of place and wedged against something

How stupid can I get, I’ve had the car three years this summer and did not realise it had a steering lock, turned the key and back to normal.
After a struggle i’ve got the rack to column joint off and the column clamp, being able to slide the inner column up.

But the inner column is now 6/7" away from the rack and will not come down to connect. There is no play in the bushes, the lower one has the rubber nipple located in the hole.

I presume that the outer column has to come off?

Thanks again for any ideas John

The lower column is splined at the top and slides into the upper column. It is retained by a clamp and a pinch bolt. I think you need to undo the clamp to free the lower column to slide back down, see attached pics.

When you have got it all back together you need to tighten the pinch bolt to the correct torque to allow the lower column to slide backwards in the event of an accident, hence collapsible.