+2 Spyder front suspension arm bolts

Replacing the top ball joint on my Spyder chassis with Spyder suspension arms. The through bolts are grade 5. I assume provided by Spyder.

I wish to replace them but I only have grade 8 in that size. Would they be suitable or too brittle?

Recommended torque? Same as factory set up?
Received COVID vaccines. Hope all Lotus Forum members are well.


Did some research. Grade 8 has greater strength in shear and tension. than grade 5. The difference is the plastic range during elongation until failure. Grade 8 shorter plastic range. But occurs at higher tension loads. If that were the only parameter grade 8 would be superior. Grade 5 is the choice as it is less susceptible to stress corrosion. So it is advised to use the original bolt grade especially in corrosive environments such as suspension.

I will use the same grade 5 for replacement.
