+2 Rear Hub Carriers


Should +2 rear hub carriers be marked as Issue 16 or 18 like on all other Elans?

These are from a 1969 +2 and there are no markings. I wasn’t sure if someone ground the markings off or they didn’t have them to begin with.

Wouldn’t Issue 18 uprights have been stock on a 1969 car?


as far as i know, only the 18s have a (18) marking and im pretty sure the sprints were the 1st babys and all of the +2s had em sandy

My S4 has iss 18 castings
Reasonably sure it’s as it left the factory ( you can never be 100%)
Made early 1970

The parts list indicates that the first 249 +2’s had the early hub carriers and shafts. So a 1969 car should have issue 18. But it’s a 50 year old car so anything could be fitted.
It’s easy to see what you have when you strip them down. It’s not unknown to have early carriers with later shafts.

I believe the line between issue 16 and issue 18 on two seaters would be chassis numiber 7762, give or take,

Yes sometime in series 3 production from what I have seen


Thanks for all the suggestions. They have been identified and are indeed Issue 18 carriers, but one is pretty knackered. I’m not sure if it is salvageable.


Quick question - what text is actually cast in on an Issue 18 hub carrier and where is it?

Here’s an image from the photo gallery which shows it … you can just about read the text.