2 post lift

Hi all, I will be getting a 2 post car lift reasonably soon. I am wondering where is the best lifting points to get a Plus 2 in the air! Can’t be bothered with all this getting dirty rolling about on the floor lark any more. I was thinking I could machine spigots up to go into the jacking points but was wondering if there is an easier place to lift from?
Al Cowan

bits of wood???
just get some 4x1 under the floor/sill area and lift…
you just need to spead the load of you lift and a couple of bits of sturdy timber 4’ long should do the trick
heath robinson

I’m from the “never jack on the fiberglass” school but that doesn’t mean I’m right. This subject has been discussed on numerous threads. The jacking point corners are the easiest way but every bobbin holds the chassis weight, correct?
Does anyone out there know if fiberglass becomes more brittle with age??? It was - 4 degrees here six weeks ago and 82’ yesterday, my paint cracks will appear soon.

Would a batten along the length of the car sill and lift at either end be the answer then?
Al Cowan