Not in the wrong forum, it just crashed on me. Anyway, it’s back in now. Tested the fan motor just in case. Would have hated to put it all back and found the fan motor was defective. Just got the dash to put back in, steering column, radio etc. will keep you posted. Modern car dash wiring must be a piece of cake compared to all this spagette. All on a printed circuit and handy multi cable connectors. One day when I have nothing to do!!!
Don’t know if you have a steering lock on your car but… that item has caused me more grief than anything else in a “dash out” scenario, if only they had put an extra 6" into the cables and tucked them away.
No. This car is a 68 +2 with no steering lock so does not have that problem. Plenty more though due to my own mods over the years such as a brake light switch on the brake pedal instead of relying on the pressure switch. I found out the hard way that by the time the brake light came on sensed by the brake line pressure senser someone behind me put a nice dent in my rear bumper. All makes for good fun in trying to make an old car fit for modern motoring.
So - it crashed as you were posting… what did we miss? I am re-assembling a Plus 2 that I didn’t disassemble, so your (illustrated) experience would be most helpful!
US69 50/1872 (as on the back of the glove box
Double click on my name and it will bring up my profile where by you can pick out all my posts. Anything else you need just post me. Looks like our cars are very closely related.
The heater is now back in position and I am just finishing off the dash reinstallation.
Interesting that your friends car is unit 1008. Back in 1992 I wrote to Lotus registering my new chassis and they sent me a copy of the relevent page of the famous book of unit numbers.
Unit 1008 was sold to a B Ferris, Engine No H16763 B, Invoice No 1 LK 1129, Invoice No 2 PLK 0795, Dispatch Date 15.10.68.
I had the same problem as Gordon some time ago, i was replacing a cracked rubber hose and the pipe just came off in my hand
I stripped it and cleaned up the Matrix / pipe but the hole in the Matrix was huge (looked like some one had used there teeth to make it) i really struggled to get a nice bead stuck until in the end (with the amount of work it took to remove firmly in my head) i had a chat with a local Radiator recon firm who told me if that joint had gone all the solder will have dried out and will need re-flowing. So after thinking what would i pay not to have to remove my dash again i was happy to get a recon unit.