Trying to do that fiddly job of connecting the +2 heater hoses to the matrix . Question is which hose goes to the top connection and which to the bottom . It fits best with the top outlet going to the head outlet and the bottom to the water pump return connection . I would have concidered the other order so that any air caught in the head oulet would exit via the top of the heater matrix and go to the water pump return preventing air getting trapped in the heater . Trouble is the pipes are difficult to connectg in that order . So am I right to have them as first stated ?
The manual shows the head water going to a left connector on the heater, and the return from the right side, on the drawing they are at the same level. On both my Plus Twos the feed goes to the top of two heater connections on the right side.
I’ve never had problems bleeding the system, there are no major traps on the way to the rad cap. Park pointing up on a steep hill and then top up your rad to make sure !
I have seen the poor diagram in the manual and was not very impressed the way it does not ressemble our cars . Looks more like a heater diagram from a Elan or Europa . I thought I had it right but just thought about air locks and the theory of the hot water from the head entering the botttom of the heater and being cooled by the fan/air flow and then returning via the top connection to the water pump would be best .
I will continue the plumbing as I started and as you have confirmed .
PS how does the fuel pipe avoid the heater pipes ?
On my ‘original condition’ Plus Two, the metal fuel line goes under the heater pipes to the mech fuel pump. On my Spyder chassis running Plus Two, the flexible fuel line goes to a Malpassi Filter King pressure regulator mounted on the bulkhead just inside the solenoid, and from there across the top of the Webers.
Thanks Sean
Looks like I got a prob . I fitted the new fuel line (plastic from Spyder) and now it may be too short to miss the lower heater pipe . It is in contact with it and I do not want to suffer vapourising probs . I will have to put a join in somehow and lengthen it .