As the restoration of my +2 progresses, I have now reached the stage of making good the interior bodywork. I don’t have a problem with the rest of the interior, but I am struggling to understand what the inside of the boot should look like.
Currently there appears to be a piece of perforated angle iron to help locate the battery and a pair of ?Dexion? strips running between the back of the car and the petrol tank, presumably to support some sort of shelf. There is a large hole running from just below the petrol tank to the floor. This exposes the handbrake mechanism. Maybe someone in the past made the hole in order to repair the handbrake tree? There are also holes in the corners of the boot giving access to the brake callipers. I can only assume that these were made by a previous owner for the same purpose.
Would anyone out there be kind enough to explain to me or better still show me what the boot should look like?
Can’t help you at present, my restoration hasn’t got that far yet, but when I get there I will take some photos of my boot and send them to you!
There should be no holes going through to the outside. There is a ‘shelf’ that is held just above the spare wheel by strips bolted onto the body. The shelf is in 2 halves causing there to be a strip between the back of the car and petrol tank.
Have you got a workshop manual? It a good start in soving most queries. Tony
Hello, I have a “restored” '69 plus 2 and it had a vertical black carpeted piece of masonite attached to the lateral angle iron running across the bottom back of the boot/trunk. I removed it all and have left it out because it seemed heavy and antiquated. I’d use plastic with modern soundproofing covering but I rarely haul anything that I’d worry about hitting the gas tank on panic stops. The access holes are interesting, not original but a good idea perhaps, I haven’t had to work on my car a whole lot but you may want to create some kind of rubber or plastic seals for them that are removable. I would definitely close them up somehow before driving, but easier access to that area would be nice as jacking up any of the older elans appropriately is tricky. Good Luck, they’re wonderful cars.
I put the details of the two bits of marine ply/wood (dont suppose it matters what you make them from) that go to make the boot shelf ages ago for someone else who was rebuilding the rear of their car…
the above link should get you there failing that its on the yahoo elan group…under the file section and then +2 boot shelf…