+2 Bonnet Catch Mounts

I am in the process of replacing the bonnet catches on my 70 Federal +2S.
I have a set of spacers in nylon.

It has always bugged me that getting to the brackets is really difficult without the dash removed.
I am thinking about using a thicker back plate and then using rivnuts from the engine bay and then bolting things together .




You could use some adhesive (or even resin) to hold the backplate in position?

that was my thought, pre-drill all of the holes, then glass in the back plate, then rivnuts in, then spacer then the catches themselves.
I think that I would look at a thin washer for the front so that the washer and back plate spread the load of the rivnut on the f’glass.
Probably mock it up on a spare piece first

On inspection:
Bigger back plate to catch the cable hole, captive nuts and 'glass the plate in.
Rivnuts dont add anything, but a larger back plate would give additional strength.

Something to think about, make sure you have a method of releasing the bonnet if the release cable snaps or comes undone at the far end. With the current design you at least have a chance of unbolting the catches from the bulkhead.

That’s a good point, but the current set up s captive bolts, so same issue.
I am wondering if here is a better back up plan if the cable breaks

I think one approach would be to undo the large nut that the cable passes through and attempt to pull the arm with a bit of stiff wire.

I think that what I am going to do is to find a way to run a second wire from each “arm” back into the cabin as a back up.