+2[and not Elan] Tool kit

]My car was 14 years old when I purchased it and came with the tool kit in a vinyl pocked roll up sleeve.It also came with the Elan style tool roll.
The jack has a ratcheting handle, and there is the ‘Nader nut’ wrench, so it really does not fit in the Elan roll.
Did someone just pick up the plastic thing, it is pretty ‘period’ IOW it wasn’t newish when I bought the car.
Is it perhaps a Federal thing, with the different knock ons?

Also, is the ‘tube wrench’ listed as 14mm on the Elan kit[ and in the +2 parts manual] a lug wrench, and perhaps deleted in KO cars?

Mine also came with a tiny ‘King Dick’ adjustable. Opens to maybe 1/2 inch, 3" overall length or so. Not a product likely to be found here as it is a Brit brand
I also redid the jack hold downs.

and had forgotten how useless they are. Iwill have to add some foam to the bottom of the boot floor to stop them from rattling badly
This is the buckle if you are curious

Additionally, by hold down straps used separate bolts, no the shield bolts, but they could have been changed

Also is the tool kit supposed to be stuffed in with the jack, or with the spare or…?