+2 130/5

well, better follow suit and add a piccie of mine too I guess…!
yes - I know I need to get the wheels done, but I’m trying to figure a way to:

  1. jack the car up on all fours…
  2. be without my daily drive to work for a week!


Hi Rob

Do you know what colour your car is???

It looks similar to mine but I am not sure if it is the same. I am at some point in the future going to get mine repainted and would like to keep to the original colour :smiley:

Or does anyone else have a guess??

I have looked throught the Lotus colours but it depends on which reference you believe as it could be a few :frowning:


Hi - yes, it’s a Porsche Colour - Helblau Metalic… the previous owner did it this colour, (he said it was his wife’s choice!) and it’s the best colour on the +2 that I’ve seen…

I have a custom blue interior too, so it all pulls together quite nicely… although mine is not concours (used every day), the colour really suits it and it has a lovely tint in the sunlight…

I’ve got the paint codes if you want them…


Hi Rob

Yes I would like the code, if you could send it via a PM I can save it until I get around to the big spend.

