155 HR 13 Dunlop Aquajet Tyres - Available Again?

Did anyone else catch in the latest Club Lotus News that Vintage Tyre Supplies (VTS) have Dunlop Aquajets available again - for the +2. Apparently they bought the moulds off Dunlop. The item mentioned that if there was sufficient demand, they would also consider re-manufacturing the Aquajet in 155 HR 13 for the Elan.

If that is to happen, we need to let VTS know we are enthusiastic about the proposal. To do so, contact them through this link: vintagetyres.com/contact.asp … &DBM=&PGE=

The Aquajet is very similar to the SP Sport, which was an original fitment - sometimes - and it does finish off the look of an Elan very well. It would be good to see them available again.


Nice to see more support for our old tyre sizes. The price is more than I paid for the Michelin XAS FF but the Dunlops should be a harder compound and so last a little longer and thus ultimately be less expensive.

Yes Steve,

But have you seen the cost of XAS FFs now! Longstone Tyres blame the Euro exchange rate - but be sitting down when you look them up!


PS I have just bought a set nonetheless. They are brilliant.

I saw the article and it made me wonder about the quality of the re-made Aquajets after I saw this thread with a quote about VTS’s re-manufactured SP Sports. Quote says:

Anyone else used the SP sports?



It was me and they were. I got my money back. I talked to someone in the classic lotus trade and he too had removed them from cars. Look nice and that was about all. As I recall it cost me over ?300 about 6 years ago.


Okay! So we stay with the Michelins then! After all, it’s about driving our cars :slight_smile:


Shame they don’t live up to expectations.

Glad you got your money back Mike
