My s3 wiper motor has seen better days. It is the 150 degree version and the brass bush on the gear spigot has collapsed, resulting in the spigot and and rod both badly worn. I could not find any elan spares, and a refurb unit is the best part of £200. However, I discovered the 150 degree motor is also used on a Morris Minor. I contacted a Minor spares company, and they had both the gear and link in stock. They arrived today. £24, including vat and postage.
Absolutely no idea. Most of the info I have read suggests many elans are 130 or 140. Sorry, no part number on the gear. It is just stamped 150, so I asked for the same.
Pages 108 and 109 of the Elan S1 S2 Coupe parts book, which I believe can be found on this web site shows an exploded view and all the Lucas part nos for the parts shown. It even shows 150 deg on the gear, but I do not see a bushing by itself. If you can’t find this book on the website, let me know and I will scan the pages and post them on this thread.
I see you ordered a gear and a link. They are Lucas 54712920 and 745913 and I would assume, that all s1-S4 Elans use a 150 degree gear. All models covered by this early book use the same.